Sunday, May 31, 2009

Another year older...

yes - and deeper in debt.
I think I have everything in place for the property I'm buying. It closes, Lord willing, on June 15.

My birthday was last week - as was Rose's, and Walter P's. I had everyone over for supper on Wednesday to celebrate. I had made black forest cake for Walter - it was a big hit; and angel food cake for Rose. Loopie had made a lemon cake for me. So there was lots of dessert. We had hamburgers and three or four kinds of salad for main course. It was good.

It was the musical at Western this past weekend. Fiddler on the Roof. Tate was the main character - did a great job. The whole thing was very well done. Glad it's over though. I only helped with costumes, which wasn't too big a job. (Value Village had their half-price sale on Monday and we took full advantage.)

Rose and I went to Gravelbourg for their grand opening of their new building today. Saw lots of people I haven't seen for years, and had good visits with many of them. Was called Nancy once (by someone who honestly thought I was Nancy; not just getting the name wrong); and was called Ruth once (by someone who, when I said it was May, said - you changed your name?). I assured both gentlemen that Ruth and Nancy were my much older sisters, and yes, there is a family resemblence, isn't there? The guy who called me Nancy was a little reassured because he thought I had looked younger than he remembered Nancy looking.

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