Sunday, May 18, 2008

May long weekend

The ferry has started running again this week. The shelves are still looking pretty bare, as it takes awhile for everything to be restocked. However things are looking better. The snow has nearly melted. Yesterday we drove along the Ingraham trail, just to see what things looked like. There are more ducks in town than there are along the lakes on the trail. It's strange; some lakes are completely devoid of ice, others are still totally covered. The two extremes can be on neighbouring lakes.

We took Bram, the kayak and Rose's paddle boat onto Frame Lake, in the centre of town. There's still a lot of rotton ice, but the edges of the lake are clear. Bram had a lot of fun going on top of the ice in the kayak.

This is the first May long weekend that we haven't gone camping. However, there's been some terrific wind storms in the past few days, and we don't have plates on the tent trailer. Somehow camping, when it's dipping down to freezing each night, and there's a terrific wind, doesn't seem as inviting as camping in a tent trailer (with a flush toilet and shower).

I've been doing a fair bit of sewing lately. I sewed Bram a new wet suit. I have also sewn myself a new dress and over jacket. I wore it to church this morning. It feels good to be back sewing again; just for fun, not because I have to get something finished.

I did a practice piano exam at my last lesson. I did pretty well on the technical stuff (scales, arpeggios, dominant and diminished 7ths, etc.) and on my pieces. My sight reading has been improving (it couldn't have been much worse before), and I'm not too bad on my chord progressions or pieces. However, my harmonization needs a lot more practice. Thankfully, I have time to get everything much, much better before the exam.

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