Saturday, September 12, 2009

My Arms

I've been having difficulty with pain in my arms since back in March. I stopped practicing piano, because it seemed to aggravate it. However, it seems to be getting worse. They ache most of the time now. Sometimes it hurts enough that I can't even push a shopping cart. I have been in to the doctor and she's ordered some tests - I'm supposed to go back next week. I'm mostly frustrated. I'm not used to hurting more often than not. I reminds me of Aunt Rose and how she never complained even though she was in constant pain. I've got a long ways to go.

I'd like to continue with my piano lessons, but my teacher (rightly) has told me that I can't do anything until I get the situation with my arms settled. I really miss making music. I can still sing, but I enjoy playing the piano as well. It sits and stares at me in my living room.

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