Monday, October 10, 2011


I got frustrated last time I tried to post here because it would only save my title, and it wouldn't save what I had written. We'll see if it'll work this time.
It's Thanksgiving today and I have so much to be thankful for. It was Lectureship this weekend and I got to see and visit with a number of people that I hadn't seen for some time, as well as with my parents, etc. It was also good just to sing for an extended time.
Sunday afternoon I had a small crowd over for Thanksgiving dinner. I was thankful that so many people came and brought food as well, because it really wasn't much work that way. Mind you, it wasn't that big a crowd; I think there were just under 40 people. I'm so thankful that I have a large house and it's easy to accommodate a crowd. Then I had an evening nap, got up and visited with Rose on the phone for a bit. I'm so thankful that she's enjoying school and is getting settled. She's going to two Thanksgiving potlucks today; one at her boarding house and one at the Preacher's house. She phoned me to ask what she should bring since she has no bowls besides a small soup bowl. I suggested that she bake sweet potatoes in the microwave and bring them, because you don't really need a bowl for that.
This morning I did the final clean up from yesterday. I washed dishes and did laundry (which took about an hour) and was so thankful that I had the time to do that. I always find it amazing that what takes so much effort the night before is really not that much work the next day. I was also thankful that it was so easy to clean up; and that I had the dishes to wash and a place to put them when they're clean (I put them in the empty dishwasher to dry).
This afternoon Bram, Leo (my boarder) and I drove to Moose Jaw to visit my mother-in-law. She was happy to see us; called me Marilyn Orr (which I guess has always been my name - just not one I've used for over 20 years). We sang with her for a bit and visited for a bit. She asked me how I knew her, which was a little sad. then we had to leave. I'm thankful that I live close enough that I am able to visit and sorry that I don't visit as often as I'd like to. I don't think I've been there since July.

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