Sunday, July 21, 2013

VBS and Mission 6:10

This is the first year in over 20 years that I am working in the summer.  That's because this is the first year in over 20 years that I'm not teaching, and the income has to come from somewhere.  So although this past week was Mission 6:10, I didn't have as much to do with it this year as in previous years.  I still helped to organize the VBS and was there every evening, but that was about it.  I didn't do the booklet for the prayer walk (they reused the one I did in winter), and I didn't help cook, except for the Sunday potluck, and I wasn't around to lend a hand.  I felt badly that I wasn't able to do that, but not that badly.

VBS, as usual, was in the park at 7th and Pasqua.  As usual, we prayed for fine weather because poor weather meant that we'd have to cancel or do something else in a hurry.  As it turned out, Monday we ended up moving to Zeike's place, which was where we ran the teen program and the day program because the weather had been so threatening all day, but it turned out to be a beautiful evening and we really didn't have to move it.  Tuesday through Thursday we were in the park, and the weather was perfect each evening.  It rained and stormed Friday through Sunday but we were done by then.  Thank you, Lord.

I think we had around 45 kids each night; a smaller number on Monday because we had to transport them.  Everyone had fun.  I found it a fair bit more exhausting, doing the VBS after 8 hours of work, and would usually go home afterwards and tumble into bed.  I'm very thankful for everyone else that did their share; from Daryl who did the games and songs at the beginning, to Marti, who wasn't able to come up this year, but still gave us the benefit of her experience in the planning, to Courtney, who planned the Carnival - which was a big hit (but don't do the human pancake again, ok?  The wasps really liked where the syrup was spilled on the ground.).

Bram was working the noon to 8 pm shift at SaskTel and so helped with the mural in the mornings and then went to work.  It seemed strange not to have him helping with the VBS as he has done every other year.  Rose helped a couple nights but wasn't feeling really great the other nights.

As we've done every other year, we kicked off the VBS with a carnival in the park on the Sunday afternoon.  This year we had cotton candy and hotdogs as well as games, etc.  Everyone had fun. I helped with the cotton candy and babysat Emmet and Jane.  It was interesting helping with a toddler on one hip.  Here's some pictures from the week.

1 comment:

banglargaan said...

I felt badly that I wasn't able to do that, but not that badly. I can't remember the pattern but I do still remember what they look like.Bespoke Tailors manchesterpleased to get a replacement...and that felt good!