Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday afternoon

It's Sunday afternoon. Rose is doing the Biblical thing - and like Eutychus she's sleeping. I had a short nap and have been practicing the piano a little bit and need to go on to lesson planning and marking.

Rose had a tough first week here. She started with a sore throat on Sunday night and by Tuesday was quite sick. It was primarily a cold, but it was a major one. She was feverish part of the time, and definitely not up to doing anything. So all of our plans, like to go to Eyebrow and visit and to go the spa in Moose Jaw had to be put on hold. Maybe another time. Thankfully, although I do have a cold, it's not a major one and I am not feeling sick at all.

By yesterday Rose was well enough that we were able to run errands together. We now both have cell phones. She has bus tickets and bus routes and timetables so that she can find her way around Regina.

We had an incredible wind storm in Regina on Friday. Wind gusts up to 100 kmh; they closed the SGI building downtown because of fears of structural problems caused by the wind; trucks were blown off the highway and several highways were closed. It was a good day to stay home. It's cooler today; was below freezing this morning, but it's much better than it was Friday.

So Rose's goal next week is to job hunt and to find out what are her best options for classes next fall at Western. If anyone knows of places that are hiring, please let her know.

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