Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Welcome winter

Winter arrived today. It was lovely weather this past weekend; but it started snowing this morning. The snow was really heavy this afternoon. I shovelled the driveway after I arrived home from work but you would never know it. Rose came home from her night class 20 minutes after I got in from The Party and she couldn't see my footprints. She was 10 minutes late for her night class, even though she took the early bus, because the busses were going only about 5 mph. She said the bus hit the centre boulevard several times; it was just floating on the snow.

It's a heavy wet snow, with lots of wind. Rose just pointed out that there's a tree across our back deck; felled from the snow I assume. It's not a really big tree, but it doesn't really belong there. It can wait, however, for daylight. I can hear the wind whistling outside the skylight in the dining room.

Betty is really amazed by the snow. She says where she's from in China they may get snow twice a winter - in January, about 5 cm worth. We have a little more snow than that.

We had a feast evening at The Party tonight. We had about 27 kids; several extra adults (parents, aunties, etc.) and lots of helpers. We're really grateful that so many people were able to come out despite the weather.

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