Saturday, September 22, 2012

After one week

Well, I've had one week of my new job.  I'm commuting daily 40 min one way; which is a lot more than I've ever done in my life - but a lot less than many people all over the world do, so I can still count my blessings.  In addition, I commute daily with Bram - so he and I are getting lots of visiting and sharing in; which is a real bonus.   I've been driving and he's been reading aloud a chapter or two from the Bible in the morning, which is also really good. I think it would be better to have a really small car with awesome gas mileage if I was doing this over a longer term (or move to Moose Jaw) but seeing as it's just a 10-week term, I'll live with it.  I need to buy myself a membership in CAA I think, seeing as I'm doing so much more driving.

The job is really non-stressful.  Everyone's working at their own pace, and come to me when they have questions.  It's pretty quiet.  I like that.  Sometimes it would be nice to have a bit more direct instruction time; but seeing as I'm coming in for only a short time period; I guess I can count my blessings because if it was more direct instruction, I would have been really struggling the first day or two (or three or four).

Aside from starting at the same time, Bram and my timetables don't match up very well though.  I teach from 8:45 to 3 pm, with a lunch from 11:45 to 1 pm; while Bram's in classes from 8:30 to 4:20 with a lunch from 12:30 to 1:30.  This means that I have pretty close to an hour and a half most days without much to do - I think I'll need to take up knitting or crocheting or something.  I don't have any prep to do because I have from 2:10 to 3 daily for that.  Bram has no classes on Friday afternoons (although there's a math tutorial - which he says that at this point he's not needing to attend as he's getting the math) - so this Friday I drove him down to the nursing home and he was able to visit with his grandmother for awhile.  He walked back to the school afterwards, although I would have picked him up.  That's also very nice.

The main drawback (aside from the commute) is that I haven't been able to work out mornings at Curves.  There isn't a Curves at Moose Jaw - so I think I'll purchase a membership to the school gym and start working out at 3 pm daily.  I was still finding my feet this week, but now that I know what I'm doing, getting my exercise in will be my next essential.

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