Sunday, March 28, 2010


It was Homecoming this weekend at Western. It wasn't my honoured year, but because I work there, I was there for much of the weekend. I really enjoyed it. Frankly, I enjoyed it more than I did two years ago when it was my honoured year.

To start with, I got to see my parents and all of my siblings this weekend with the exception of Walter (who lives in YK) and Randy. (None of us have seen Randy for about 15 years.) That made the weekend special, but that was only the beginning.

Secondly, I got to see a lot of people that I haven't seen for years and years and visit with them. That is the point of Homecoming after all; and it was very nice.

In addition, I had some really good meals. Ruth was at a trade show Sundy morning, and invited me to lunch with her there. It was very nice. I also was able to spend time with my parents and Glenda for a couple of meals.

One of the fund-raisers this weekend was a car wash. I got my car washed outside, and vacuumed inside. That was wonderful!

Finally, my parents stayed with me while they were in town. This is a special pleasure. Not only do I get to appreciate my parents, but my Mom helped me tidy my kitchen and my dad took apart my Roomba (vacuum cleaner robot) and it works again now. Unfortunately, both my mom and my sister Ruth are fighting losing battles with a cold, and I'm afraid they might have shared. We'll see in the next few days.

Now I need to spend the rest of this evening doing some prep work for school tomorrow. I need to prepare a test for my Christian Ethics class and plan for my English class. If I was feeling really saintly, I'd do some marking as well, but I think that will wait for another day.

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