Friday, July 16, 2010


My parents were up last week to work at the apartment. Dad's had this idea to put in a central cooling system - a non-standard type of airconditioning for years, and so he started to put that together last week. They didn't finish it however so were planning to come up this week to finish the job.

They started out Wednesday morning from S'toon. Dad wasn't feeling really great so he asked Mom to drive. They got as far as Kenaston when he asked mom to pull over because he felt like he was going to be sick. They sat at the side of the road for a bit, then dad went unconscious. While unconscious he vomited.

Mom turned around and headed back for S'toon, seeing as the hospital there was much closer than Regina's. They went home first so Dad could shower and change, seeing as you never know how long you're going to be waiting in Emerg. Mom phoned and found out that RUH's emerg was really backed up, but there wasn't much of a wait at City hospital. They went there and were seen to right away.

The doctors have admitted dad to St. Paul's hospital. They're running tests to see what caused him to go unconscious. He's on antibiotics because they think he's developing pneumonia from aspirating vomit when he was unconscious.

That's all the news I have so far. I'll update you when I have further news. We all crave your prayers.

1 comment:

Maxine said...

I am glad to hear that your Dad is back at home. He has way too many things to do to be sick so I hope he's up and around and his busy self in no time.