Sunday, June 19, 2011


Bram and I got home from a short visit to Gravelbourg last night. We had gone for the Festival du Soleil as part of a field trip for the French students from Western. We had met up with the Gravelbourg youth group while we were there. Although the sun wasn't much in evidence - it poured rain much of the time, and was overcast the rest of the time; everyone enjoyed themselves.

We spent the night at the church building, as did the youth group. This allowed everyone to get to know each other a little better. They played an ice breaker game, then had a crokinole tournament, and followed up with watching movies and playing spoons. I crashed around midnight in the cry room, as I had been awake since 5 am, but there were other adults supervising as well, and I wasn't essential.

It was also really good to see and visit with my cousin, Janelle a bit, and to see her kids. Bram was paired up with Tyson for some of the activities and they seemed to enjoy each other.

Friday night there was an international food festival in the arena. All of Saturday's events were moved to the arena as well, because of the rain. We did a tour of the museum and the cathedral Saturday. (We had a choice of taking the tour in French or in English.) I did the tour in French (as did most of the students), and while I may not have caught everything; I got the gist of pretty much everything, I think. It was fascinating! We ate lunch at the Cafe Paris - good food; not too pricey; definitely worth the visit. The kids helped volunteer at different things during the festival. It was easy to do, as everything was at the same venue.

One of the students was telling Monica that the trip exceeded their expectations. I know that all the ones I had in my van really appreciated it. However, it was also really good to be back home in my own bed last night.

1 comment:

Janelle said...

It was fun having you and the rest of your crew here. I wish the weather had been better, too, but I'm glad to hear the kids had a good time. It was really nice to visit with you a bit. I hope your summer is nice, and I wish Rose the best on her new adventure. Hope to see you again soon!