Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I started my day with my regular piano lesson this morning. Now I have no lessons until January. I had a productive day at work - got lots done.

Then I had the last class of the day - English 9. I have a couple of students in the class that are doing their best to disrupt the class and anyone else's learning. I ended up kicking them out of class - at different times. At the end of class I had to go and deal with their behaviour. After that I was shaking. It's so frustrating. I'm a good teacher - and they're not letting me teach.

I need to remind myself that God's grace works where I'm unable. That he is able to change hearts and lives. That he loves me - and them, even when we're being particularly unlovable. Right now the best I can do is pray for them, long and hard. After all, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

That being said, I'm really glad that we all get a two week break from each other after Friday. Three more teaching days.

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