Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Happy Anniversary

Today is my parent's anniversary.  They were married on the eighth day of the eighth month, 59 years ago.  Eight kids, 22 grandchildren and 13 great-grands later - I think they're pretty amazing.  They are still so busy, that when they come to visit, I feel worn out by what they do when they're here.  Theoretically they're retired, but in actuality, they're usually busier than most people who hold down a full-time job.

One of the things that I really appreciate about my parents (and I appreciate many, many things about my parents) is that they model how a really good marriage should function.  They don't always agree, but they know how to disagree, they know how to negotiate and they know how to fight.  They work together, have shared goals, and dreams.  They share their lives, not only with each other, but with all of us. And all of us who are privileged to know them are better for it.

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